
Williamson’s Notes: Still on the Move

In the wake of Ida’s devastation, our United Way of Southeast Louisiana team laced up their shoes, donned their best LIVE UNITED shirts (or perhaps cleanest), and provided critical boots-on-the-ground relief to many of the hardest-hit areas we serve. As quickly as we received monetary and supply donations, we’ve worked at the speed of need to move them back out into the communities to aid struggling families and nonprofit partners. 

Williamson’s Notes: United for Justice

On Memorial Day, I shared a hope publicly that we could honor the fallen by ensuring we strive to be one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. That night, George Floyd’s senseless death provided yet another stark reminder that we, as a people, are not doing enough to promise the most basic of freedoms and equal access to justice to everyone. Especially people of color.

Tax Refunds: It’s Worth the Wait

If you are like most consumers, tax time couldn’t come soon enough. After the grueling expenses of the holiday season, long overdue car repairs, and much-needed summer vacations, consumers are anxious to file their taxes - especially if they expect a refund. 

By now, you have probably seen and heard many commercials advertising Refund Anticipation Loans (RAL) and Refund Anticipation Checks (RAC). These ads tempt with the promise of same-day cash refunds in eye-popping amounts. If you are debating using one of these “convenient” loans, here is what you need to know.