Reflecting on the Latest United for ALICE Update: A Call to Action

Reflecting on the Latest United for ALICE Update: A Call to Action


The latest United for ALICE update reveals a stark reality: despite rising wages, the number of households living paycheck to paycheck in Southeast Louisiana continues to grow. From 2021 to 2022, nearly 9,000 more households found themselves unable to afford basic household needs. Two years after the onset of the pandemic, 49% of households –260,635 in total – are struggling, a figure that underscores the persistent and widespread financial hardship our community faces.


But these figures are not just numbers. They represent real people in Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington parishes. They include the 90,290 households living in poverty and another 170,345 households defined as ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). ALICE workers are our child care providers, home health aides, cashiers—individuals in low-wage jobs with little to no savings, always one emergency away from poverty.

The financial pressures on ALICE families continue to intensify. While wages have increased, so have the costs of living. For a family of four with young children, the basic cost to live and work in Southeast Louisiana rose from $70,716 in 2021 to $83,880 in 2022, a $13,000 increase.


Read more about the latest ALICE update findings here.


Bigger paychecks are helping local families stay afloat, but rising inflation and waning pandemic supports are keeping ALICE families stuck in a dangerous game – trade one risky decision for another.

Who’s hurting the most? Households of color, older and younger people, and single parents continue to fall disproportionately under the ALICE Threshold, forced to decide between household essentials like rent and prescriptions.


Building and Scaling Solutions for ALICE

United Way of Southeast Louisiana is committed to stabilizing ALICE households. Our Prosperity Center programs, programmatic and collaborative grants, and investments in education and health are essential in closing gaps and providing vital support. But we need to do more:

· Advocacy: Pushing for policy changes that address systemic barriers, such as affordable housing, accessible child care, and a living wage.

· Partnerships: Collaborating on big issues with businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies to amplify our impact and reach more households.

· Data Utilization: Leveraging insights from the ALICE report to inform our strategies and ensure we effectively address the most pressing needs.

Our work extends beyond immediate relief. We must continue spreading the word about ALICE, utilizing the comprehensive ALICE data to educate and engage new advocates. This update is a call to action for everyone – elected officials, business leaders, and community members alike. Together, we can drive meaningful change and help ALICE households move from merely surviving to truly thriving.


Our Centennial Commitment to ALICE

As we celebrate United Way of Southeast Louisiana’s centennial anniversary, I am filled with pride and determination. For 100 years, United Way has been a cornerstone in our community, adapting and responding to the evolving needs of our residents. This milestone demonstrates the dedication and hard work of our staff, board members, volunteers, and supporters. The latest ALICE data reminds us of our purpose and mission.

The persistent financial hardships faced by nearly half of our community’s households are unacceptable. Our history of making lasting positive change drives us to push harder for the systemic solutions needed to uplift ALICE families. It reinforces our commitment to maintaining and amplifying our efforts. Let’s honor this centennial by doubling down on our efforts and making even greater strides toward a future where everyone can thrive.


Who are you going to call to drive action for ALICE?


Michael Williamson, President and CEOLiving United, 


Michael Williamson
President & CEO
United Way of Southeast Louisiana

P.S. To read the full update and access interactive data dashboards, visit