United Way & Rain Carbon Inc.

Thank you for considering a donation to United Way.  Please fill the pledge card below.

Gerry Sweeney

Every day, United Way volunteers, donors and advocates make a difference in their own backyards. That could mean volunteering weekly to help a second-grader boost reading skills; or supporting local programs that make healthy, fresh food more accessible to all; or speaking out for policies that help equip youth for in-demand jobs -- and so much more.

Together, we help communities tackle tough challenges, working with community agencies and corporate partners to boost educationeconomic mobility and health, because those are the building blocks for a good life and a strong community. 

Thank you in advance once again for your ongoing generosity and support of our Community Involvement Building Block for Success. By working as One Rain Carbon, we will continue to positively impact the people in the communities where we operate.

Rain Carbon Workplace Pledge Form

Select one of the options below to start your pledge!
Your Preferred Donation Method

Make checks payable to United Way of Southeast Louisiana (UWSELA). Checks should be turned in to the Rain Carbon employee campaign coordinator at your location. All checks will be processed through corporate office.

Payroll Deduction
Fair Share thru Payroll Deduction
Credit/Debit Card Donors

Credit / Debit Card Donors:

Thank you for your support of the United Way.
To complete your donation by credit or debit card - please click here.

About You
Your Name
Your Contact Information
For more giving options, please contact your United Way Coordinator.
Donation Options
My signature below, confirms my payroll deduction request as stated above.

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