For 95 years, United Way of Southeast Louisiana has been a trusted partner in improving lives in Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Plaquemines, and Washington parishes.
Here for you then. Here for you today. We will be here for you tomorrow.
United Way supports the well-being of our region, which makes us especially concerned about COVID-19’s progression here at home. After all, we fight for the most vulnerable among us.
The economic effects of COVID-19 will have a significant, lasting impact on ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) families who cannot afford to miss work or access health care if they get sick. ALICE families work hard – often multiple jobs – but still struggle to afford even their most basic needs, including housing, food, transportation, child care, and health care.
Cash-strapped households are often forced to make impossible choices, like deciding between fixing the car or paying the rent. These short-term decisions have long-term consequences not only for ALICE families, which make up 47% of the households in Southeast Louisiana, but for all of us.
When you factor in the size and low wages of our region’s economy, it’s clear that a large portion of our population is teetering on the edge of significant financial losses and unable to withstand much time out of work. And we need your continued support today to fund our efforts as we help ALICE families endure the long-term challenges ahead.
Postponing events, schools closing, and offering flexible work options are prudent and necessary, but the effects on ALICE will be sudden and sharp. That’s why United Way is focused on supporting households living below the ALICE threshold.
Every dollar will ensure United Way is there when help is needed most!