Everything You Need to Know About United Way’s Grant Process

We sat down with Tap Bui, United Way of Southeast Louisiana Vice President of Community Impact, Health, & Fund Distribution, for the 411 on UWSELA’s Blueprint for Prosperity Programmatic Grant process for FY 2019-2022. 
How does United Way of Southeast Louisiana select program grant recipients?
The Blueprint for Prosperity, our plan to move people out of poverty in the region, drives all of our funding decisions. Poverty is an immense, complicated problem that no one person or organization alone can solve. We support organizations that address the symptoms and drivers of poverty and work toward long-term solutions and systems change. 
Specifically, we look for proposals that meet three criteria: 
  • Focus on one or more of our priority outcomes outlined in the Blueprint: Stability Today, Prosperity Tomorrow, Personal Wellness, and Vibrant Communities. 
  • Contribute to at least one of our indicators related to eradicating poverty.
  • Uphold the six guiding principles of our work: Connectivity, Equity, Lived Experience, Long-Term Commitment, Shared Responsibility, and Systems Change.
Find a full description in the in-depth guidelines document found here
Who is eligible to apply? 
501(c)3 organizations serving Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and/or Washington parishes and whose work aligns with one or more of the outcomes in our Blueprint for Prosperity mentioned above. Agencies with primarily religious, educational, fraternal, governmental, political, or cultural animal welfare purposes, or who redirect funds, are not eligible. 
How does the process work? 
The grant process is broken down into two parts. Step one, what we are in right now, is the Letter of Intent phase. Any eligible nonprofit can submit a simple, two-page document highlighting the organization and how the grant would be used. The Letter of Intent deadline is November 19, 2018. We review these letters and invite selected applicants to complete a full application, which is step two.  
How much funding is available? 
Grant awards range from $25,000-$200,000 per 12-month funding period and cannot be more than 50 percent of the program’s budget. It’s important to know that while these are three-year grants, funding is only guaranteed for the first year. We’re focused on outcomes and evaluate community partners regularly to ensure we are moving the needle on key issues connected to eradicating poverty. Funding is also contingent on the results of our annual campaign. 
What are the important dates to know? 
  • November 12, 2018 – Deadline for questions on Letter of Intent process
  • November 19, 2018 – Deadline to submit a Letter of Intent

  • January 7, 2019 – Selected applicants invited to submit a full application  
I have questions, where do I go? 
Our website is the best place to start! The programmatic grants page contains links to helpful resources explaining grant guidelines and the application process. This is also where organizations will go to submit a Letter of Intent and accompanying documents. I’m also available via email to answer any additional questions (tapb@unitedwaysela.org). 
Tap Bui
Vice President of Community Impact, Health, & Fund Distribution
United Way of Southeast Louisiana