When you give to United Way, your contribution helps foster both individual and collective success. Learn how you can help us strengthen your community, and many other communities around Southeast Louisiana.
United Way offers a variety of options for donors to support our work, whether through your employer, the web or a donation of stock. Find out which method of giving is best for you.
A tax acknowledgement will be emailed to you immediately! Donate online today!
If you made a pledge to United Way of Southeast Louisiana, make your payment here.
MAIL A CHECK to us to the bank lockbox below.
Why? In case of disaster, we want to make sure your donation is received safe and sound!
United Way of Southeast Louisiana
PO BOX 679603
DALLAS TX 75267-9603
Just give “your” broker our Account # below, and our DTC# 0164 and ask them to transfer your stock donation into our account at Charles Schwab. It is that simple.
- Account #8991-4900
- Benefit UWSELA
- Contact: Charles Schwab & Co.
- 504-524-5431
Please notify UWSELA of your transfer via phone (504) 827-6841 or email. Brokers are not permitted to release transfer details, and it is important to us that you receive proper credit for your donation.
Join our at-home mailing list. Contact Brittany Elder.